The little blue cotton cloth-weaving became a moon, and scraps of the wool I've been using for another project are becoming a sun and also the background cloth, inspired by the "Wispering Sun, Moon, and Stars" online course and the "Cloth-to-Cloth" video series I'm taking from (although it feels like with) Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth. U-tube videos are blocked by government censors here in China, so I haven't seen the videos in "Cloth-to-Cloth" yet, but Jude's pictures and clear instructions, also included as PDF files, are plenty for now. (I'm looking forward to watching the videos the next time I travel out of China.)

I'm connecting the faces (stitched in New York City, Shimla and Delhi, and Beijing) to other washed wool blocks to make a warm wool throw about 50" x 70" (or so-once I attach a border). This will be a project I can continue working on when I travel; I'm planning to use a combination of traditional hand-quilting methods with sashiko and embroidery to quilt this small blanket.

This is not the final arrangement--I'm still playing with placement.