Mongolian Quilters and the "Black Market" in Ulaanbaatar:
Selenge Tserendash, founder and director of Mongolian Quilters, and her daughter, Aryuka. Selenge studied law in Japan and is fond of Japanese food, as am I, so I took my gracious hosts out for sushi and tempora one night (Japanese is Selenge's third language, and English is her fourth!).
Dressing (and talking to) a new doll
I love the southwest-colored shipping crates that surround the black market
playing cards amongst a traditional furniture vendor's "shop"
Housewares in the Black Market, Ulaanbaatar
Stainless steel and plastic wares
steaming hot goat head--easy to carry from home for lunch at work
lunch break
Cheers! Aryuka attends a science-intense high school in Ulaanbaatar; she plans to go on to medical school after graduation.